February #BlogBattle: Merchant

February 2023 Blog Battle

Right-click & ‘Save As’ one or both of these images to share on social media!

Our word this month is:


You can start writing at any time, but make sure you post your story by the

17th of February

to have a link shared here and on social media.

Once you’ve posted your story to your blog, put a link to it in the comments section, and we’ll add your story to the Battle Stories Line-up post that goes live the 3rd Friday of the month (the same as the post-by date).

Make sure to check back and read some of the stories of your fellow battlers. Leave comments to encourage these writers. And go a step further in supporting one another by sharing each other’s stories on your own blog or social media, whatever you’re most comfortable with!

Basic Rules:

The Prompt Word will be given the First FRIDAY of every month.

Post your story by the 3rd Friday of the same month (this is the same date as the Stories post goes live).


  1. up to 2000 words max (give or take a few)
  2. fictional tale (or true if you really want)
  3. Any genre that fits within PG-13 (or less)-type Content – let’s keep this family friendly!
  4. Your story must contain the randomly chosen word(s) and/or be centered around the word meaning in a way that shows it is clearly related.
  5. Go for the entertainment value!
  6. Put a link back to your #BlogBattle Short Story in the comments section
  7. Please tweet and otherwise share your battler buddies’ stories across social media.
    1. Use the hashtag #BlogBattle when tweeting all the stories so we can cross-share.
  8. Have fun!
Any photos included with the prompt are only for your benefit as a pinch of inspiration. They don’t need to dictate your theme or story genre. Only the Word of the Month counts! Photos are thanks to public domain photo sharing sites like Unsplash and Pixabay.

31 thoughts on “February #BlogBattle: Merchant

  1. Joy, I’m still having no luck submitting on your site

    This is what I said though

    You are like me Joy, dipping into the world build with side lines. I think it adds massively to a WIP. It also makes the narrative stronger. I do enjoy your dips into your fantasy world.

    Montana’s choice seems very rock and hard place too. Summed up by Mac Teàrlach in the last sentence.

    A good read as always.


  2. Pingback: Montana's Choice - Joy E. Rancatore

  3. Pingback: Merchant of Breath | Mark-Huntley-James

  4. Pingback: Mer: Musical Or Mendacious #blogbattle #merchant | TanGental

  5. I couldn’t resist the urge to see what this month’s prompt would be!

    I had the time to scribble some goofy madness down. I hope it works out this way every month—I’d love to come back more regularly!

    Merchant—a great word. It made me think of the Merchant from Resident Evil 4. That game had a significant impression on a young Josh. What more could a zombie-loving kid ask for in a video game? “Welcome, stranger! What’re ya buyin’? What’re ya sellin’?”

    I’m not sure whatever it is that I’ve written—it appears to be a mix of Welcome to Nightvale and The Addams Family. Anyway, it’s named after an Abraham Lincoln quote.

    Here it is: https://joshuainsole.com/short-stories/hug-it-all-the-tighter/

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Pingback: Dragon Stone: The Sapphire - Fiction is Food

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