#BlogBattle: Shield


September 2019 Blog Battle

Our word this month is:


See Battle Stories for Past & Present Entries to the Prompts!

You can start writing at any time, but make sure you post your story by the 30th of the month to have your story shared here and on social media.

Once you’ve posted your story to your blog, put a link to it in the comments section, and we’ll add your story to the Battle Stories Line-up post.

Make sure to check back and read some of the stories of your fellow battlers. Leave comments to encourage these writers, and share each other’s stories!

Basic Rules:

The Prompt Word will be given the First Tuesday of Every Month.

Post your story by the 30th of the Same Month.


  1. 1000 words max (give or take a few)
  2. fictional tale (or true if you really want)
  3. Any genre that fits within PG-13 (or less) Content – let’s keep this family friendly!
  4. Your story must contain the randomly chosen word(s) and/or be centered around the word meaning in a way that shows it is clearly related.
  5. Go for the entertainment value!
  6. Put a link back to your #BlogBattle Short Story in the comments section
  7. Please tweet and otherwise share your battler buddies’ stories across social media.
    1. Use the hashtag #BlogBattle when tweeting all the stories so we can cross-share.
  8. Have fun!
Any photos included with the prompt are only for your benefit as a pinch of inspiration. They don’t need to dictate your theme or story genre. Only the Word of the Month counts! Photos are thanks to various photographers from Unsplash.com

99 thoughts on “#BlogBattle: Shield

  1. Pingback: Of Darkness – Becoming The Muse

  2. Pingback: #BlogBattle. September Entry: Ghost Shock. | Fiction is Food

  3. Pingback: Beneath the Surface | a. e. branson

  4. Pingback: Want a Short Story Writing Prompt This September? Then Try Out the #Blogbattle and Join Our Writing Community. | Fiction is Food

  5. Pingback: mused.blog - The Shield

  6. Pingback: CW: The outside. – One day at a time…

  7. Pingback: Rhyme: Aflame | The Dark Netizen

  8. Pingback: Read my short story for the September 2019 #BlogBattle: ‘The Night Has Teeth’ | Joshua G. J. Insole

      • Thanks, I quite like seeing how fast I can make something — quite the opposite to my slow progress on my full-length stuff. Makes for a nice change of pace. That’s good to hear, I hope your kids aren’t mourning the end of summer too much! All is fine on my end of things. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • My oldest is in limbo between high school and running start. She’s got one class at the HS and is waiting for college to start! The next is an 8th grade football lover, so he was super excited for school to start. The next just started 7th grade at the Jr. High and wasn’t sure he was ready, but he’s adjusting very well, and the youngest is home with me doing 5th grade through an online public school! We’re all mourning summer a little, if I’m honest. haha I know just what you mean about having that change of pace. It’s also rewarding when I actually finish something, even if it’s short!

          Liked by 1 person

          • I haven’t participated in a few years, but I’m thinking I need to have a go this year myself. I really want to write my next book in my Chronicles series. NaNo can be such a great place to turn off the inner critic and write. Part of my favorite novel I’ve written was done during NaNo. 🙂 I do like to plan out the overall arc ahead of time so I can turn off the doubts and blank spots. It just gives me a trajectory during the madness that is November NaNoWriMo. If you do join in this year, what might you plan on writing?

            Liked by 1 person

          • I also like to plan ahead, too — I like to know roughly where I’m going, so I don’t get lost along the way. Although I do like to leave some “wiggle room” to allow sudden fits of inspiration! 😀 I’m not sure at the moment, but I might stick with my current WIP and use NaNoWriMo to really get stuff done, as I don’t have enough time to work on two things at once. Will you be working on your new Chronicles book, if you join? 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • Same. Wiggle room is entirely necessary. 🙂 If I do join, yes, that will likely be my project. Either that, or I’ll start an entirely new project that wants my attention. There are too many crowding the creative space in my brain!

            Liked by 1 person

          • I’m a terrible juggler. I do much better when I focus on one task at a time. But that works kind of like keeping a daily task list. As long as I only focus on one of the items at a time, I can usually accomplish what I set out to do. It’s when a approach the items willy-nilly, thinking about more than one thing at a time that I am too scatterbrained to finish anything! Hence, I should make more lists and use them to focus my efforts. haha Egads, I think out loud a lot.

            I want to write more sci-fi. I’m not a huge horror fan (although, I did like Aliens, which is basically a sci-fi thriller w/horror elements, I think). Crime caper, though, that could be great for me to read. 🙂

            Chronicles are young adult low fantasy novels where magic has reappeared in the realms after more than a century without. Their sub-genres are sweet romance and adventure. Quest-type stories. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          • Sorry for the slow response, Rachael! I’ve just gotten back from my brother’s stag party (looking forward to a good night’s sleep this evening!).

            Yes, I’m also a terrible juggler. It took me two books to realise it, but plans and checklists are an absolute must for me. I got by before, but I was pulling my hair out at some points, due to being so chaotic and the task before me appearing so insurmountable… We live and learn, eh?

            Aliens is one of my favourite movies! I agree, it’s more action-focused than the original, but still retains a good deal of the claustrophobic horror elements that I adore.

            Once the work is in a state that I’m satisfied with, I’ll have to share it — although that might be a while, it needs a considerable amount of reworking! It’s a bit of a mess, really — but I think most first drafts are.

            They sound like lovely books! Although I don’t write in that style, I adore books that have a sense of magic and wonder about them. 🙂


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