#BlogBattle 8: February 28th “Melody” Entries & Voting

Hello! Welcome to Blog Battle, a weekly writing prompt competition! If you haven’t already, check out the rules (more like instructions on how to participate & have fun).

BB Badge

Winning story for the week will earn this badge! 🙂

**Last Week’s Winner: Oak by Cathleen Townsend**

Post your story to your blog any time on Tuesday until Midnight PST (there is a grace period into Weds morning, so just let me know if you are late getting it done). Throughout the course of the day, we’ll add the links (to your blog w/story title) here.

This Week’s Story WORD theme: Melody

This week’s Story GENRE style: Historical

*visit the genre page of Blog Battle to see if the genre has any subcategories to give you an extra challenge


The Best of the Best by Teresa “Tess” Karlinski

So You Want to Write by Cathleen Townsend

Unheeded by David Williamson

Gunslinger Ridge Experiment by The Urban Spaceman

PS If I’m missing your story, just leave me a comment to let me know!

Read all the stories & PLEASE VOTE for your top THREE favorites (not all for the same, though!).

Click here for the Instructions for Participation!

To find out the next battle info click THEME & GENRE on the main menu

You have until the next Monday at midnight EST (9 PM PST / 5 AM GMT Tues) to read the submitted stories & vote for your top three. Please consider the expert use of the theme word when choosing.

8 thoughts on “#BlogBattle 8: February 28th “Melody” Entries & Voting

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