Kit Glennie in the Spotlight

Welcome to this year’s fun spotlight introduction of Blog Battlers!

Every month we’re shining the light on a participant. Be sure to ask Kit questions in the comments section!

Welcome, Kit!

How long have you been a writer? 17 years (half my life by this point!)
3 random facts about you! 1. I perform in amateur musical theatre,

2. I danced in the 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremonies.

3. My favourite author is Brandon Sanderson.
What genre(s) do you write?Science Fiction, Fantasy, Self-Development and Poetry
What is your favorite BB story/entry you’ve written? What is the URL?This is, to date, the only BB entry in which I’ve experimented with characters destined for my novel, so it was tremendous fun building lore and testing the backstories:
Have you published any books? Self/Indie published? Traditional? Hybrid?None yet
Do you plan to publish? If so, self/indie, traditional or both/hybrid?Definitely….once I have something to publish. There’s just the small matter of writing it first. But once I do, I’m open to all avenues.
Who or what inspired you to start a blog and share your writing?The need, 5 years ago, to explore beyond the closeted world of creative writing forums and create a space where I could workshop ideas, develop my writer’s voice, gain some real-world feedback and connect with others who were doing the same, and who might inspire me to do more with my writing.
Any advice you could share with your fellow BBers?I’m not the most prolific BBer, so my advice is sparing. To be honest, I think I average about one a year. But I have found that the more you get involved in the spirit of the Battle, reading other entries, having fun with your own and exchanging insights with your fellow participants, the more you’ll want to write. That’s certainly what keeps me coming back. 
If you could write from anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?A loft with heating? Mine, where I’m also working from home, currently has none. But actually, I’ve always loved the stereotype of a cabin in the woods, but more specifically: a desk with a view over the treetops. Maybe British Columbia, then, because even in the rain, those redwoods are majestic.
In your own reading, who has been your favorite protagonist? Why? What makes them stand out?Kaladin Stormblessed, from The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. He is a man of principles and demons, of ignorance and virtue, of opinion and action, and honour. I love the way he thinks, with a personality that really shines through, and how his character defies expectations and conventions at every turn, affecting everyone he meets more than they would like to admit.
Where are you strongest as a writer and feel like you could offer help and advice to fellow BBers?I’m probably strongest when it comes to the things that I’ve had the most practice with: plotting and world building, as well as the editing process.
Where are you weakest as a writer and would like to get more feedback and help with?I’m weakest with maintaining the discipline to write consistently and therefore make something of all this promising potential. I would also say that, when I write, I’m always quite aware of my pacing, and ensuring that I’m showing in such a way that I never feel compelled to tell.
Share any social media links you have where you’d like to connect with fellow BBers and readers.
How did you discover BB? (If you’d care to share!)Through Dan Alatorre, years ago. It was a challenge of his that prompted the first flash fiction post on my own blog.

Thanks so much for sharing, Kit!

Enjoy September’s stories by tapping here.

And keep your eyes peeled for the next Prompt Word coming Friday, October 1st!

Q&A Time

Please take a moment to ask Kit some questions in the comments section.

6 thoughts on “Kit Glennie in the Spotlight

  1. Pleasure to meet you! And certainly hope we’ll get to see more of your work on BB. 🙂 Your advice on working with fellow authors is spot-on, and we can all relate how writing is one of the hardest jobs we love. Do your amateur musical theater and writing ever sync up?


  2. Welcome to the spotlight! I couldn’t agree more with your insight on the benefits of being active, whenever we can, with the BB Challenges. Being an active part of the blogging community makes a positive difference. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Whether it’s a loft or a cabin in the woods, heating is an essential companion to writing. 🙂
    I used to write on the train on the daily commute and it’s not just trying to type with cold fingers, but trying to think as well.


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