#BlogBattle Stories: Scattered

October 2021 Blog Battle Entries

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“Scattered” by Anita Dawes

“White Cliffs” by Joshua G. J. Insole

“Legacy” by Cathleen Townsend *Comes with a Political Commentary Warning. 😉

“The Delicious Electric Apocalypse” by Doug Jacquier

“A Girl from the Apple Orchard” 10/12 by Same “Goldie” Kirk

“We Come in Pieces” by A. E. Branson

Late but welcome!

“Scattered Wealth” by David Williamson

*There was some todo over Cathleen’s story (sorry for pointing fingers, Cathleen!) and commentary for her BlogBattle entry this week. After reading through the post and blog, I (Rachael) have not asked for any changes in regard to the post as it does not violate any of the rules. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it is acceptable writing, and she did give fair warning of the political nature of her post. Mostly, we focus on fiction, but there is no rule against non-fiction writing (in fact, it says it’s okay in our rules). I personally appreciate bravery in writing and don’t always agree with the viewpoint of characters or real-life people’s opinions that I read. Freedom of speech is allowed where I live, and I don’t plan on censoring most speech (I ask that stories don’t be chock full of swearing, sex, or gratuitous violence because of the varying ages of audience and participants, and as a mom that matters to me). I also don’t always agree with some of the things people include in their submissions, but as the disclaimer below states, the views belong to the writers and are not necessarily mine or those of the other administrators of the blog. I’d like to be inclusive and welcome people who think and feel differently because we all come from different places and can add value to each other’s lives through our writing and helping each other. It is my belief that it can actually be good to gain insight into other’s viewpoints to help us expand or solidify our own thinking and understanding. As long as we are each keeping within the rules of BlogBattle and respectful in how we speak to each other, I don’t see a problem with differing viewpoints being shared in fiction or non-fiction writing to the prompt. Thank you for maintaining civility in the comments and for repsecting each other as writers and humans.

*disclaimer: the views of individual writers do not necessarily reflect the views or values of the owner/administrators of blogbattlers.wordpress.com. If you discover inappropriate, hateful or otherwise disturbing or needlessly offensive content that doesn’t fit within the guidelines/rules of the word prompts, please reach out via the contact form on our About page. Thank you!

6 thoughts on “#BlogBattle Stories: Scattered

  1. Pingback: Scattered Wealth | Literary Karaoke

  2. Dear Rachael, no worries about finger-pointing. As I’ve said to you before, this is your space, and you have the final say on what goes on here. And frankly, a warning is a good thing. It’s like a good book cover that defines genre.

    If a cover obviously says “Romance,” then someone looking for a thriller won’t buy the book and be disappointed. I normally write light-hearted stuff about house hobs and mermaids and sentient caves. The only politics that happen are usually over a hundred years old, (Snow White and the Civil War).

    So I really want people to know up front that this month is a break from my usual fare, in case they are just FED UP with politics. I know i get to that place. So no hard feelings if anyone wants to avoid my entry this month. Believe me, I get it. : )

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    • Not everyone will agree, and I am sad to think this causes any hard feelings. Thanks for giving the warning. I’m not publishing or a publisher on BB, and this is really a place to encourage writing. Sometimes our writing will not resonate with everyone and sometimes it will outright offend someone. I know neither you nor anyone else here plans on turning BB into a political landscape outside edgy fiction. I enjoy your lighthearted and solemn tales, and because I respect you (and each participant) I’m willing to listen to your thoughts on real-life things you want to write about. We’ll keep on keeping on and welcome differing worldviews and experiences to hopefully help make us all better writers with more diverse thoughts (that help create more diverse characters!).

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