#BlogBattle: Stable


July 2019 Blog Battle

Our word this month is:


You can start writing at any time, but make sure you post your story by the 30th of the month to have your story shared here and on social media.

Once you’ve posted your story to your blog, put a link to it in the comments section, and we’ll add your story to the Battle Stories Line-up post.

Make sure to check back and read some of the stories of your fellow battlers. Leave comments to encourage these writers, and share each other’s stories!

Basic Rules:

The Prompt Word will be given the First Tuesday of Every Month.

Post your story by the 30th of the Same Month.


  1. 1000 words max (give or take a few)
  2. fictional tale (or true if you really want)
  3. Any genre that fits within PG-13 (or less) Content – let’s keep this family friendly!
  4. Your story must contain the randomly chosen word(s) and/or be centered around the word meaning in a way that shows it is clearly related.
  5. Go for the entertainment value!
  6. Put a link back to your #BlogBattle Short Story in the comments section
  7. Please tweet and otherwise share your battler buddies’ stories across social media.
    1. Use the hashtag #BlogBattle when tweeting all the stories so we can cross-share.
  8. Have fun!
Any photos included with the prompt are only for your benefit as a pinch of inspiration. They don’t need to dictate your theme or story genre. Only the Word of the Month counts! Photos are thanks to various photographers from Unsplash.com

54 thoughts on “#BlogBattle: Stable

  1. Pingback: Blue Siren – Beyond the Infinite

    • Better late than never Mark! Normally it’s me so late I never quite get anything in on time! Nice insight into chicken amnesia too. Will comment there later, but will insert your tale into the entry post now!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Microfiction: Pain of the Past | The Dark Netizen

  3. Pingback: Keeping Stable #blogbattle #shortfiction | TanGental

  4. Pingback: On Math, Variables And Constants | Awl and Scribe

    • Great to have your contribution by association. I guessed at it whilst reading your post and am now rather more convinced of the use of constant as the inferred reference to stability. In fact I rather like that connection being somewhat familiar with physics! Great to have you joining in.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Welcome Doug. Always appreciate new folk to here and the entry post, which can be found by navigating to Battle Entries in the drop down menu (top left) will take you to said post where all the entries are listed with links to the stories.

      Loved yours by the way, although I did mention that in a comment there 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: A Sticky Situation | a. e. branson

    • Yay, is this the WIP from Camp NaNo?

      Just added it to the entries which is scheduled to get posted on Tuesday. Welcome back and you’re not alone in missing a few. I’ve done that too! My bad.


  6. Pingback: Blog Battle – Stable – You can always start now

  7. Pingback: Want a Short Story Writing Prompt This July? Then Try Out the #Blogbattle and Join Our Writing Community. | Fiction is Food

    • Don’t tell me….you’re off work Tuesdays and had it done before I got chance to even see you’d put it up. Ie yesterday with me checking today lol. Fear not, we write, technology is other folks forte! I’ve done this hundreds of times too 🙃

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: #BlogBattle. July Entry: Ghosts of the Past. | Fiction is Food

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